dinning at "Chez Betty"
we all gave this restaurant a top rating. The food & wine was delicious and the company was stimulating...what more could you ask for!!!
Joe has been working in construction in Park City for over a year now an has just a couple months left. We took advantage of his expertize and had him give us some well needed tips on our boarding.. Thank you!!!! Joe, I think Kim and I would agree we not only needed the help but you made our day "So Much Fun"!!!
Kim & Shirl
can't see our boards but we really DID have them on!
can't see our boards but we really DID have them on!
It dosen't look like it from this picture, but their was soooooooo much snow!!!!
Notice my cycle was bigger but Kim was the smart one, she wore her gloves and my hands were Freezing!!! but as you can see I clearly won!!!!
Nice try Kimmy!!
Nice try Kimmy!!